Hair Removal

Permanent reduction of unwanted hair for all skin types. 

Permanent hair reduction has become one of the most common procedures offered by medical aesthetic clinics today. According to the “American Society for Dermatologic Surgery” in the U.S., hair removal procedures were one of the top five non-surgical procedures in 2018.

Permanent hair reduction is performed using a powerful laser or Intense Pulsed Light technologies to target and heat the hair follicles. Successfully damaged follicles are then no longer able to produce new hairs.

The most common considerations when choosing a hair removal system include proven clinical results, safety, treatment speed, low discomfort level for patients, ROI, and device reliability.

Treatment parameters are determined based on several factors, including skin type, hair color, hair size and density, treatment stage and body part.

Formatk’s permanent hair reduction devices have been specifically designed with these considerations in mind, enabling practitioners to achieve better results by tailoring each treatment according to the patient’s physiology and treatment stage.



No. Formatk’s integrated contact cooling system and 5 treatment modes provide for maximum comfort at every stage of the treatment.

Generally speaking, results for hair removal treatments can be seen after the first session. But please note that every patient is unique and results may vary.

We always recommend that you consult with your practitioner to best understand your individual needs. Typically, however, the number of treatment sessions ranges from 6-8 treatments, depending on the type of treatment and the patient’s parameters.

Formatk’s advanced 808nm laser diode technology can treat all skin types.

Some skin types and conditions don’t require any maintenance, while others generally need maintenance sessions every 6-12 months. Your practitioner can best advise depending on your specific needs.

Treatment time varies depending on the individual and the size of the body part being treated. Smaller areas such as the upper lip or underarm can take less than 10 minutes, while larger areas such as the back or full legs will take up to 40 minutes. 



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